Your concern now is so much linked to mine now that irrespective of who you are , where you are, you can read this sentence.
Your mind while reading this sentence is certainly trying to figure out the meaning of all of what has been said so far.It is is natural.In your everyday activities you learn even when you are not aware of it.That is why you use even some words you never actively learned.However, at times because of necessity and preferences we get to have to learn certain things.For certain issues our so dear individual liberty becomes liable to paternalism.Who paternalises who?
Look around you and tell me if you will not agree with me.
What can you do now without ICT?
What can you do now without culture/Culture/kulture?
Are minds are bathed by the meaning and influences of these words: ICT and Kulture |
The words culture/Culture/kulture in the latter question highlight the nuances that exists in our beautiful world and reciprocally fosters our need to understand the necessity of divergence and/or variety as a natural order of things.Colours , sounds, images, notes, and sensations are all around. With ICT we are getting very close to Reality.Which is only made up of possible possibilities.Cyberspace is a possible world among many others.Ceteri paribus.
In sum , if it comes to you that you have some words you want to forget do your best to remember ICT and Kulture for they summarize your/our Historical Development.Should We not be proud? Or is there still a paradox and a contradiction and a controversy lingering within us?
Cheers !!!!