Thursday, September 13, 2012

Words to remember forever : ICT and KULTURE

Now, if you are reading this sentence -made up of words-  it means either you are using a computer connected to the internet or you are using telepathy.It is now known that you and I are living the most extraordinary moments of humanities history in terms of progress and/or evolution.We are living in the information age.We are literally fed with information coming from machines which have become like second brains and we even get gras without having to do any effort to eat anything.Do not ask me if it is healthy? What yourself do you experience?Yes, information is our food now and it is cultural.This  would not have been  possible  without the technology beautifully replicated from nature by some smart fellows.I really find it great that these technologies enables us on a daily base to communicate.Yes our lives now is all about ICT and Kulture
Your concern now is so much linked to mine now that irrespective of who you are , where you are, you can read this sentence.

Your mind while reading this sentence is certainly trying to figure out the meaning of all of what has been said so far.It is is natural.In your everyday activities you learn even when you are not aware of it.That is why you use even some words you never actively learned.However, at times because of necessity and preferences we get to have to learn certain things.For certain issues our so dear individual liberty becomes liable to paternalism.Who paternalises who?
Look around you and tell me if you will not agree with me.
What can you do now without ICT?
What can you do  now without culture/Culture/kulture?

Are minds are bathed by the meaning and influences of these words: ICT and Kulture
The words culture/Culture/kulture in the latter question highlight the nuances that exists in our beautiful world and  reciprocally fosters our need to understand the necessity of divergence and/or variety as a natural order of things.Colours , sounds, images, notes, and sensations are all around. With ICT we are getting very close to Reality.Which is only made up of possible possibilities.Cyberspace is a possible world among many others.Ceteri paribus.

In sum , if it comes to you that you have some words  you want to forget do your best to remember ICT and Kulture for they summarize your/our Historical Development.Should We not be proud? Or is there  still a paradox and a contradiction  and a controversy lingering within us?

Cheers !!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Social Entrepreneurship A New word for today

Everyday we learn. It is interesting to realize that this learning process passes mostly through words, the ones we listen and read. Today, I came across the expression Social Entrepreneurship. What is this expression? What does it mean ? I came to know  the existence of this word today while surfing on the net.

The word for today is social entrepreneurship as you can see in the text.

 Now if my niece  Yvonne aged just seven comes and says

"Uncle what is social entrepreneurship?"

I will say :

"Young girl sit down" I ll give her sweets then I will tell her while looking at her tenderly

"You know Yvonne social entrepreneurship is when you understand you belong to a society and that you must do your best to enable it grow healthily.Your actions impacts on your society either negatively or positively and an awareness of this can enable you to help others in various ways.It is all about been part of a country"

While I speak , I hope she will not ask

"Uncle what is society?"

Well if she does , I will say it is a very big family.

Is this right?  What would you say if a child asked you what is Social Entrepreneurship ?

I find it interesting that this word not just an ideology , it is in fact a reality in my country  :  Between idealism , relativism , realism, pragmatism which one is the odd word with respect to Social Entrepreneurship? Big words right? What do you want me to tell you? When you read a word like Social Entrepreneurship many more words come. The thing is that when you think about a word like Social Entrepreneurship you really see it as a big word.I think that is how Yvonne might see it.Might? Well children have their ways with words and they can play with them what they want..

However , before been exposed to this word ( Social Entrepreneurship) , I was earlier exposed to the symbolic language of the Chinese.

I love words. You remember , I had asked you some while ago if love was the first word?

More words are coming.