Monday, July 16, 2012


Why do we love? How does it come about that two different people love themselves? How does it come that a mother loves her baby and vice versa? How does it come to be that we can love a friend/someone and die for them?  In brief, what is love? Do we have evidence that other living organisms love themselves as humans do love themselves? Is it possible to move from the essence of words to an essence of love?

Everything is possible; but with love everything is much more possible.

The word L-O-V-E is a verb. It is a noun too. Is it surprising? It is not to me. To me it is not.Love is ubiquitous , it is everywhere. My Fathers saw it right. Love is an impulse for and of life. Its history is humanity. Love as we know it transcends boundaries, all sorts of difficulties. Think about where you come from , and where you are going. It conquers even death, the wicked rider. We die but love never dies. Just like life, its body, love never dies but we die.We love because we have a heart that beats.Is it the heart or the brain that loves? Both. Without the heart we cannot live.Without the brain no sensation, feeling , emotion.When the heart ceases to beat we die.When our brains ceases to exist we die.When we love our hearts beats faster, better.Why is the heart the symbol of love? Is it because love and life are linked? Seemingly.

Experientially , Love is a living organism. Rather through life love is. Love feeds and reproduces itself. It is unlike us systematic, structured, just, truthful, and faithful. Love is action, love is intentional but tends. Love is not just love, a mere biochemistry which unites beings . Love is energy, vibrations , the essence of everything, thus love is food. Love is an edible food. Cheap and expensive depending on how one sees the glass. No wonder why there are wars, divorce, murders, and evil. No wonder why there is folly, madness if you want. One of my Fathers said that the secret to mental health is to love and work. Love is power. Think about jealousy, about coup (etats). Love is all why we are here, all why a human (a human-man or a human-woman) is present. An indidual has love or no love.A family  has  love or no love, then society has love or no love.Our mothers or their substitute have been given the responsability to sow the seed of love within us.All humans come from a mother so you understand why they are important.They determine to a great extent what we are to become.

 At times , Mothers do not know love , they did not feel love , they did not experiment love. Consequently they cannot transmit it.Because we might not be loved as babies then we might grow unhealthily, since when babies we depend on our mothers to live.Love is Life and Life is Love. Yet it is not a catastrophe because Love has no foes.Love is not complicated. Love does not have space for anything else than what it is , Love.Since it is ubiquitous it just needs a space ( our hearts) and some time to grow. One needs to know what love is in order not to be fooled. By essence love just needs a heart,  it will germinate so long as the heart is willing.The heart does not need to be ready just willing. Why? Because all depends on the heart.It is the site of our life.To love or to be loved? At times , we really have to know what  love is in order not to be fooled..Since Love is good. Because what is good is good by virtue.Drowning in Love will be a right decision.What do we have to lose? Loving or not loving?Therefore , If one is not loved , they could love.Love pains.It is true.We all never want to suffer , we avoid pain and seek our (own) pleasure.It is natural.But that is why we have to suffer.The satisfaction we derive from pleasure has a price.Since Love  is action, it cannot  only be an action directed within ( one's love).It should also be directed without ( the love of the other).Does Love have a price? Is love for sale? Love is life.Life is priceless.As soon as we are born we have love and life as capital.We just need to invest to gain profits.We are quasi free beings, thus we can sell the love and life we have or give it for free, because of Love.This is because Loving  also entails acknowledging consciously that we do not belong to ourselves.We are have to share, to give, to make sacrifices. We have to accept to lose, to Love.How many types of love are they? There is just one type of Love but several objects of love.What is the sex of love? Out of love a man and a woman make another human.Out of love a child loves his parents.Love is sexless because it is common.It belongs to know one.Yet , love has an identity.What is a proof of Love? Love is action.Loving thus implies acting in the sense of love.A proof of love will just imply loving non stop.Is love a religion? Been religious implies to believe.We all believe in something.Belief is human.Religion is belief in and worship of a god or gods.Religion is a system of beliefs and worship.Is Love a god? Is Love god? If Love is a religion there would only be one religion because Love by essence cannot be anything else than one.Is love always enough? Love is extrinsic to us even if by been aware of it then practicing it, it can become part of us.Since we are not the source of love we cannot know how much love is enough or not. However, love will not operate  optimally if we do not believe in it. But it will  still operate since we all are products of Love. The conscious experience of Love is different from the sensation/feeling/emotion love can be.The consciousness of Love teaches us Love is above us , thus cannot be quantified.Again , we only love the way we were love unless we understand what Love is. We know , we are not perfect, so as what we make , give out .Since love is can become intrinsic we can give it out with all our limitations.Is Love faith or reason? Both. Essentially, to love also means to understand and trust.Trust is with the heart.Understanding with the brain.Is Love good or bad? Love is one but there are many objects of love.Our rational nature makes that at times we invest into things that would not yield anything. lets remember we are not the source of Love. Therefore since we are social , political , informational , manual , rational , beings , we can make of Love what pleases us.It is our capital.More so, Love is free. Free because it does not seek our opinion to be , to act. Good and Bad we have to bear the consequences of our choice of love  and object of love. In spites of these, essentially , Love is good because of its non-human nature. Love is a virtue.Love transcends us , it is not us. Can love make us to be good? Who are we? We are the products of others (past and present) and ourselves.This evidences entails all what is virtuous and not resides in us. Our human nature is perverse.with it everything is possible.Love is just so it does force anyone to be with it.Love is willing to communicate but not to negotiate. It does not have time to waste.It is only our free-will that will leave way to goodness of Love.So enabling us to access goodness.we are good because we Love, are loving.What is the capacity to Love? It is our determination to stay alive no matter the price of our life. Is there any relationship between Love and truth? Love is a coherent , structured and systematic entity.It acts taking into account several variables at the same time. Do not ask me how.Truth is an element of Love.It is its most moral principle.To love someone implies we should do efforts to be truthful to them because otherwise they can die because of us.It is like when we Love and say the truth we see the world differently.Love as a moral essence entails  its source cannot be twisted.
 Love is illness, it is folly. It acts like a viral disease; but love is not a viral disease. Unlike HIV/AIDS  unfortunately. Love is a word with meaning. This meaning is living in each bit of our cells, in the things we touch, love, leave, make, and create. Love is what we know but mostly what we do not know. How do I know [this]? I do not know.It is true that we give meaning to things irrespective of what they really are.Yet Love is different in that it is action.It precedes us.It knows more than us.

Now you understand… Love is a feeling, a spiritual being, everything.

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