There is something curious happening. Naturally, I use light, to see , to give visual effects to the photos I take or the things I will light to beautify or uglify. I would not refute some theories which want to make a relationship between our personalities and a colour pattern. Moreover there are theories which postulate the physical properties of light only. Like light is energy. Love is enery too. The love for arts :D. A grin! Nature is one so I just want to wonder on the deeper meaning of the word "light". Follow the white rabbit !
Okay , when you hear/listen to the word "light.", if you are English speaking you get two meanings. It is certain the levels and nature of meaning will vary from one culture to another. However, there seems to be an intrinsic truth about the word light which goes beyond the concept itself and which is independent of language. I do not know why certain words have that strength.
Light is light !!! :) I know it sounds redundant but it is so . It is not darkness. There is a spark that occurs in my brain when I see the wording light is light ! Yet when I wanted to do this art it just began with a spark. Descripting the creative process in itself is a journey which enables one to grow. I cannot under estimate the role of feelings in this arts. Huh so I am doing my auto-psychoanalysis ? :D Yeah !! Bits of me...
I will not use many words to say what I see what I saw that day. I will rather put them visually so you can see for yourself what I tried to see. You will agree with me that there is the signified and the signifier when we think of the word "light" and that in our brains there is this "acoustic image" image that resonates when we utter the phrase light is colour. Pushing us literally to admit it is true without any effort ! Now see for yourself :)
Light is colour Didier De Masso |
You will agree with me that we see what we want to see. Moreover , that the perception we have is learned and depends on our culture. Yes , culture and perception are important words to note.
Together lets dissect this arts. I will admit it is the first time I am doing this :).
As you can see there is colour.
There are straight lines and colourful concentric circles.
There are pattern of colours within the concentric circles
There is an intention in the creative process which led to a construction of the ideas of the art piece
There is also the phrase light is colour.
There is therefore a mix of words and visuals.
During the creation of this arts I wanted to portray that light is in fact colour and that the photographer , the painter , in fact the visual artist place in the world of visual arts exist because of colour. However, there is also a lingusitc experience in this art. It is not intentional it is inherent to light itself. When I say light is colour is it it not factual?
Now why did I choose yellow to be the dominant colour?
Why are there eight circular figures?
Why are they lines?
What is the overall pattern made my the art piece?
What knowlegde did I have of light to do this arts?
What knowlegde did I know have?
How real and/or true is this arts to reality?
Are the acoustic images more close to reality than the words that lead to them in the brain?
How much does the focal phrase " light is colour" influence on the interpretation of this arts?
Which makes more sense of the arts the colours of light or the phrase light is colour? Or both?
Does a symbolism of colour really make sense then?
Are these the right questions to ask?
The experience of words ( a word, light) seem to provide much more information than expected. The questions above are revealing. I find it interesting that from the 7th to the 13th of April 2014 are been held the "Rencontre d'Arts Visuel de Yaounde Ravvy Festival organised by the Pallettes du Kamer in Partnership with Crane-Lab". I believe there will be a lot of anthropology in this festival to the greatest delight of my artistic friends Yvon Langue, Bindu Mehra and Kay-Bell :)
Light does not choose to be it simple is. We use it or we just remain in darkness. Black is a colour though, so as white, so as purple.... So light is a mixture of colours. It is so obvious right ? :D. Then, More light , and more colour !!!