Thursday, July 25, 2013

Words Talk Why Utter Them? I Love You , More

A second attempt to understand, perhaps
For that I had to go home, home.
Gradually gaining insight into those things of the heart
These things too often have nothing to do with logic LOL
‘It is obvious,’ they thought
And I’d smile
‘She is so smart’ I thought, ‘She will understand, undoubtedly’
And I remember we used to LOL; the pitch of her voice resonating in my ear,
‘Do you listen to our laughter?’ I asked knowing I’ll get no answer.
I looked into her eyes for the first time, the universe’s call.
Her eyes, the gateway to pure bliss.
To her voice, I’ll be calm
Drunken by our togetherness, I praised God for Love
God Is Love and I’d found Love
I Love.
‘But what is this thing called Love,’ I said to myself
‘Don’t think Love, be Love, feel Love, act Love, enact Love’ I heard
‘It is so true…’ I replied back
‘Just a word you say?’ I asked
‘You ask too many questions’ I heard
My Heart beat, b e a t s…I am still alive, for Love is life, and living is loving something,
someone. Either one or the other, and at times the two and how could it be any other way I
‘A Sigh’ I heard
‘You’re right sigh but listen’ I requested
‘A New story has to be told but in which words?’ I uttered
‘Even time will not be able to delete this one’ I thought

There are no silent thoughts’ I heard
I did not listen to this one; I had to tell my story
‘The thoughts always have a voice’ I heard again
It was becoming noise, so I closed my ears
Then they fleeted in myriads and in their several attires, words
‘I love the one she wore yesterday’ I thought
‘Which one?’
‘A lovely blue dress’ I said ‘If only you could see her, she was so lovely in it’
‘You know dresses and colours suits her well’ I said smiling
‘Which words? ’
‘They’re coming, be patient’ I said
I paused, closing my eyes in the delight of her presence
‘Her Presence?’ I heard
‘Yes, she is ubiquitous!’ I exclaimed with a grin on my face
I paused again, and Time went by, gazing at me with furry, Time my eternal foe.
‘The hands of Time are shattered, I shattered them! ‘I thought ‘why is it coming back?’
‘Could you wait for me, please?’ I said
‘Who should wait for you?’ I heard
‘She’d understand’ I said slowly ‘I told you she is smart, didn’t I?’
‘The past is strong but the Future is strongest’ I then whispered into her left ear
‘Give me your hands’ I requested
Her beautiful short-thick fingers, then became entangled into mine,
Her smile, sunshine!
Her warmth a balm
Silence reigned over the bliss of our instant and I could listen to her heart beat
I was home
She‘d love a hug and I‘d love to hug her
‘I miss you’ I thought in the silence of my mind 

She’d love more and I’d give it all to her, of course I’d what do you think?
Yet, we had our pace, like dancers we moved to our  own music , to our rhythm ,slowly, each
movement  getting better and better to perfect harmony.
‘We communicate!’ I’m not sure you can understand that I said slowly
‘So if I can’t understand why are you telling me these things?’ I heard
‘Listen, how can you listen if you are not silent?’ I said loudly
‘When I’m moving fast she’ll slow me down me and vice-versa’ I said
‘She knows how to hold and carry me’ I added
‘I understand her movements in space; I am always ready to hold her in all cases’ I still said
‘She is such a good dancer better than me in all cases’ I thought smiling
‘Yet together we dance so well’ I thought smiling
‘She is real!’ I exclaimed proudly
I’d closed my eyes and I’d counted the words in my mind, words-numbers. I call them.
They were in numbers but one stood out more than the rest, two rather!
Love and her name.
‘What is her name?’ I heard but I did not listen
My story was told: I Love Her.
‘She knew, she knows to me that is all and it is All! ‘I concluded, elated
‘Words Talk Why Utter Them?’ I heard
‘I love You, More.’ I slowly uttered these words as I feel asleep Home

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Words Talk Why Utter Them? LOVE

I wonder why I use words

To Talk Loud my fears

Or To say Loud my desires

Both Belong To Me

To caress the minds of mortals

Or to strip their clothes off

Beautiful agony

I Love, I used Too and Now?

"In the Silence of his mind he thought"

Yet I know Deep within me,

In the abyss of my soul

That the beauty of it all resides In One word


Perhaps I still Love.

I think so too.

That is why I am here

So why these words?

Arts Work By Timothy Goodman and Jessica Walsh

Ps I will be Right baCk


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Three Words : Guilt , Conscience and Freedom

Dialogue between conscience and The Law In the Room of the Mind Art Didier De Masso

What is Freedom ? Arts Didier De Masso

Thursday, April 4, 2013

An Experience Of Experimental Art At The Goethe Institute Yaounde

It is in the arms of Arts I find my smoothest moments and it is in its experience that I grow within
and without. There is no human limit to this form of being that is being an artist. It is in Her arms I feel good, safe and myself. Who I am ceases to be a preoccupation but what I am to become or what I am becoming the unceasing quest.
An Experience of Experimental Arts  Photo Didier De Masso

In the moments we have in our-time-life few moments we have really to be master of ourselves. Our human nature is over determined and leaves fortunately or not little room, space for something new. Apart from our infantile residues,which taint and tint the corridors, alleys, streets of  our lived-time, certain things remain unchanged. We are not as bad, as evil as it seems. Indeed It still remains remarkable that in spites of or evil inclined nature ; we remain fundamentally human in nature.Indeed, we are incredibility optimistic  in such a way that  we constantly dream for a better future and we try as much as we can to make brighter futures ! Through creativity and using several tools , we seem to master our environment so as ourselves.

What is it even in this life we cannot do without? Is it the temporality of pleasure or the sweetness of the music of a happy heart? The smell  and taste of wine? the fantasy of beauty? the taste of love and happiness? the tactile feel of something? the warmth of a sincere hug?,the fantasy of living and being? the alchemy and magic of a duchenne smile, the manipulations of matter , time and space  by the mind, to secrete mental productions which could become all sorts of things from the photography of a photographer, to the performance of a performer, to the music and song of a musician, to the words of the poet and master of language, to the birth of Art. And in the very melange of the ingredients that tickle our taste buds,  even the art of cookery is not left aside. Arts is thus plural.

An Experience of Experimental Arts  Photo Didier De Masso

Each way of moving the hand, the leg, the head, fingers; each way of articulating the mind so as to squeeze its precious juice is in itself experimental.The artist is really never sure of what to expect.The word experimental sounds too scientific but science is not just a word it is a way of seeing the world. And perhaps all what  we know as Science cannot even be contained in the word science.In so far as words contain a great amount of the universe's verity, they do not contain all. Then What is not science ,what is not arts  in our world? For like the blind man, whose eyes lost, the world is seen through the manipulation of objects via other senses. The artist is an architect, a creator of worlds, big or small. Beautiful or ugly, amorphous or with a shape, truthful or false, melodious or not, blissful or sad, harmonious or chaotic. What matters in the essence of the artist is his fundamental desire to be above life and death, to manipulate objects at its guise. It is in this paradoxical wish that the artist gets drunk and dreams for heaven. Where is the limit? Where pain and suffering which ooze out as he makes worlds, subjugating all matter, all forces of nature to his desire reside. What is the allusion? Yes the artist is an experimentalist. There is also the illusion, as there comes a time in life when knowing who one is stops to be a major preoccupation but rather what  one should become.That comes from what we see, perceive.The paradoxical desire to leave to human offspring the best parts of our sombre nature is a troubling aspect of arts. It is this mix of worlds the artists lives. The artist is a semi-god grandeur nature. It is in between the science of arts and the arts of science that the artist moves. There is no arts which is therefore not experimental in itself as like the toddler the final outcome using the legs is not walking but experimenting and experiencing the world.With arts the piece of arts in itself is just a minor event in the greater creation process.In both cases it is discovery, it is growing into the unknown with the very confidence of an infinite bliss to have made something, left something, shared something, being something, even if it is just for a while and with or without something.So it really takes little to make something a piece of arts? What do you think?

 A bittersweet taste of being just an artist is that of just been a human, an over sensitive living thing. One with perverse pleasure, one with too many mental objects to manipulate, to many operations to deal with. As I carve these words, as I let my mind sink into the abyss of my own mind, I realize in the tranquility of the music I hear that indeed arts is a high form of spirituality. It is a gift from God-Jah, The God who certainly wanted us to savour with greatness and bliss, the experience of being  Masters of another genre. Yes I am proud to be an artist, just an artist.  Still who am I?

An Experience of Experimental Art Photo Didier De Masso

It is as a photographer I experienced  the experimental art of Em'Kal  Eyongakpa and  Khailand in "LIQUIFIED", to me it was something new, the fabrication of sense, the exhibition of the desire to become, the archetypes of mankind. It was like a dance, like a trance of/into primitive man. There was no woman, yet she was the one lingering within the many lips of the artists oh big and small. It is with my camera I carved their moments, making sure to my very best to seize, freeze each intention and every aspects of their purpose. It is in the Goethe Institute of Yaounde on the 21st of November 2012 it all happened and it is NOW that we share this experience with you . Why so much time lapse? Don't ask me Arts has her caprice at times you can tame her at times she is the one leading, the fight is at times so dangerous  at times the dance so sensual that We loose focus. But time waits for no one. Inspired or not it moves its way! .What is the purpose of this?

LIQUIFIED was a multidisciplinary art creation associating the painter Romuald Dikoume , the composer JaHel MinieliH, the poet and photographers Stone Karim Mohamed, Sentury Job and Penklo Simons.

An Experience of Experiemental Art Photo Didier De Masso

It is not philosophy, nor the philosophy of arts that simply matters here. It is Art, Experimental Art, Experiencing Art.Like the art of living , at times receiving, not receiving, letting go, at times being at times not. It is the sounds of the melody of our infantile memories that linger and shape our present. The replication of our likeness, Arts. Our lost childhood, found and re-found in playing games, perhaps forbidden games. Each experience of LIQUIFIED was a gate way to the mind, to the soul of the artist.

It seems then experimental art is many things yet it seems it is two thing mostly: it is the Science of Art and the Art of Science.The knowledge, the laws, the principles, that govern life, nature, human nature. There is no Art without a form of mastery, fortunately. Each movement of the brush, pencil, each movement of the fingers , each shot, each utterance of the mind, each vocal is an intention. I guess, indeed it is in this will and patterns that resides the greatest of all artistic experience, that of experiencing so many thing and at the end producing something from which a sort of human meaning can be got. That is a global understanding of  Reality! Experimental art  as a concept , as an experience is strictly subjected to both what is objective and subjective. It is trivial is it not but see for your self Google Arts . What does it evoke into you? For more information you can google the Google Art Project

Introducing Google Art  By Didier De Masso

In sum , What is Art?